
How to Get Rid of Beetles in Sanford, NC

Eliminating beetles at their first site is the key to prevent ongoing damage.

Pest control Services

Japanese Beetle Control

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Why Do We Need to Exterminate Beetles?

Beetles love moisture and try to gain access into your house at around the end of summer. They find shelters in the moist areas of your home. The beetle population at the end of summer can grow very large at the entrance of your house. 

Depending upon the species, a beetle can usually live a year or more. Furthermore, the life cycle of a beetle depends upon the availability or access to food sources and proper moisture. Infesting your house or yard by looking at the variety of insect species on your property. 

Once beetles gain access to your home, they ensure ongoing damage if not checked timely.

If a beetle species that destroys fabric, grain, or wood infests your home, you immediately need to call a professional pest control service in Sanford, Harnett and Moore County.

Green Garden: Your Ultimate Choice in Pest Control

Green Garden Landscaping provides you with the best Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services in the state. Their well-trained staff equipped with the state of the art technology and best practices in outdoor pest management will help you in getting rid of beetles.

Advantages of Pine Straw Mulch for your Lawn

1. Inspection and Species Identification

Beetles have got a hard shell and every chemical can not kill a beetle. To decide the best chemical for elimination, and which area of your lawn needs special attention for pest management, a seasoned employee surveys your home and the area nearby.

2. Application of the Most Effective Beetle Killing Chemical

Green Garden Landscaping professional skillfully applies specialized granules to restrict the entry of more beetles into your house. Chemicals in the spray form are used to kill the beetles with 100% efficacy.

3. Prevention of the Future Infestation

Our lawn care company provides its customers with complete education about preventing future infestation. Their well-trained professional seals the entry points of beetles into your home. Their future monitoring services offer you an annual inspection that ensures ongoing protection against beetles.

Have you got any further questions related to the chemicals they use, pricing, and packages? Contact Green Garden and get the best beetle control services in your area.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Beetles in the Sanford Area

Green Garden Landscaping is the most trusted turf pest control business in North Carolina. Green Garden Landscaping is the greatest alternative for outside pest control due to its cutting-edge pest management methods, integrated pest management (IPM), up-to-date pest control techniques, and state-licensed personnel. Let's explore how our bug control expert keeps beetle infestation at bay at your home or place of business.

Beetles and Their Identification

Our lawn pest control technician can identify a beetle by examining its physical characteristics, such as size, shape, color, markings, and distinctive features like antennae or wing covers. Additionally, knowledge of the beetle's behavior, habitat, and seasonal activity patterns can assist in accurate identification.

Customers Should Be Informed About How to Avoid Beetle Infestations.

Our employees are kind to educate our clients about the beetles life cycle, pet care, sanitation methods, and a plan to get rid of them.

Treatment of Beetles

There are many methods for eradicating Japanese beetles.

Repeat applications of insecticides are required, and the procedure is expensive. We provide you with 100% eradication of beetle using our certified professionals. The Japanese beetle's eggs are difficult to remove and may take three to four repeat treatments.

Contact Green Garden Landscaping now to book an appointment and get the benefits of a beetles lawn.

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