Green Garden Landscaping & Lawn Care Services

    • 919-478-1852

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          • How often does a lawn need mowing?

            The frequency of lawn mowing can vary depending on several factors, including the type of grass, the time of year, and local climate conditions. 

            Here are some general guidelines for how often you should mow your lawn:

            Grass Type: Different types of grass have different growth rates. For example, warm-season grasses like Bermuda and Zoysia tend to grow more quickly during the summer months and may require more frequent mowing. Cool-season grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass and Fescue grow more slowly and may not need as frequent mowing.

            Time of Year: During the peak growing season, typically spring and summer, you may need to mow your lawn more frequently. In some regions, this could mean weekly mowing. In the fall and winter, grass growth slows down, and you may need to mow less often or not at all.

            Grass Height: A general rule of thumb is to mow your lawn when it has grown to about one-third taller than its ideal height. For example, if your grass is typically best at 2 inches in height, you should mow it when it reaches around 3 inches.

            Local Climate: Regions with consistent rainfall and moderate temperatures may require more frequent mowing, while areas with hot, dry summers may see slower grass growth and less frequent mowing.

          • Why is Green Garden Landscaping a trusted name in North Carolina?

            Green Garden Landscaping serves thousands of customers every year. We learn and evolve every time and these years of experience instilled confidence in us. We proudly offer 100% satisfaction with a money-back guarantee.

          • Do you provide lawn care reliable service?

            We go above and beyond to maintain our company’s reputation and the customers’ trust in us. 

            We provide reliable services every time with the same dedication.

          • Do you train your lawn care employees?

            We put extra effort into the training of our professionals. Since our staff is the main point of contact, we ensure they are knowledgeable, skilled, certified, and above all customer friendly.

          • Do you have lawn care maintenance plans?

            Green Garden Landscaping offers you a customized plan in lawn maintenance that best suits your needs and availability. 

            Moreover, we are flexible towards rescheduling and do not charge you any fine for rescheduling your appointment before the 36 hours of the scheduled date.

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